Frank Ammerlaan in Curitiba Biennal '17

Frank Ammerlaan in Curitiba Biennal '17
On September 30th, the Curitiba Biennal celebrates the opening of its 24th anniversary edition that takes place at over 40 venues throughout Curitiba, Brazil. Work by Frank Ammerlaan is included in the presentation Song for my Hands, that takes place at the Oscar Niemeyer Museum.
Ammerlaan's work is included in the exhibition Song for my Hands, curated by Marte Mestre, that gathers 12 artists from around the world who explore distinctive artistic practices related to art and technique. In special regard to the abstract thinking and its relation to manual labour. These artists are instigated by the fluxes and transformations of materials, by the knowledge acquired through "doing" or the political performance and the ethics of gesture.
Emerging within the combination of the exposed works is the common ground of the "manual" thinking' and the idea of "process". Sustaining a purposeful diversity of technical means, the exhibition withholds an omnipresent tactile dimension as the critical element, extending its contribution to the elaboration of a historical subject of sense.
In the midst or rigorous thoughts and undisciplined imagination, "Song for my Hands" deepens the notion of conceptual handicraft and intuitive industry, understood here as a counterpoint to the logic of industrial production and mass consumption. An inevitable acceleration of the world that affects the conditions of our perception.
Opening: Saturday 30th September, 5 - 8 pm
The exhibition runs from 1 October '17 until 25 February '18
Museu Oscar Niemeyer
R. Mal. Hermes, 999 - Centro Cívico, Curitiba - PR, 80530-230
Image: Frank Ammerlaan, Model for Consensus #1 & #2, 2017. Dust, dirt, and embroidery on jute, linen and canvas. 155 x 155 cm.
Publication date: 27 Sep '17