Constant Dullaart in ABN Amro Circl.ART exhibition Profile Wars

Constant Dullaart in ABN Amro Circl.ART exhibition Profile Wars
On 27 June 2019 a new solo exhibition by Constant Dullaart opens in Circl.ART, the project space of the ABN AMRO art collection at the Zuidas in Amsterdam. Dullaart’s work can be seen at Circl till 5 september 2019.
Constant Dullaart (Leiderdorp 1979) inquires the functioning of social media in his art, in which privacy and manipulation are recurring themes. In times of fake social media accounts and 'fake news' his work is more topical than ever.
Dullaart's work takes place partly online, where he infiltrates with, among other things, home-made fake accounts. "Profile Wars" shows such recently built fake accounts, which he lets respond to Instagram accounts of companies and institutions.
Dullaart also makes tangible work, such as compositions of SIM cards that are connected to fake social media accounts. The industry built around fake accounts to influence politics, and the controversy around Cambridge Analytica and the United States presidential elections in 2016, inspire Dullaart. In his latest work, 'Target Audience Banners', Dullaart translates his Instagram troll-accounts with fictitious data into handmade banners. They are a direct reference to heraldic banners and other war typologies symbolizing today's online wars. In this way Dullaart visualizes the consequences of the attention economy, a current and often invisible theme that has a major impact on our contemporary society.
At the opening on 27 June in Circl, Anna van Leeuwen will talk to Constant Dullaart about "Profile Wars". Van Leeuwen (1982) writes about contemporary visual arts in De Volkskrant and Broadly (Vice). She worked in the editorial board of Mister Motley, Tubelight and Hard//hoofd and was editor-in-chief of the magazine Kunstbeeld.
Publication date: 14 Jun '19