Amsterdam Art Week 2021

Amsterdam Art Week 2021
Amsterdam, 17 Jun - 27 Jun '21
Amsterdam Art Week 2021
During Amsterdam Art Week 2021 (17 - 27 June) Upstream Gallery presents in its main gallery space the final week of Harm van den Dorpel's solo Mutant Garden. During the art week we have extended opening hours. From Thursday 17 June - Sunday 27 June we are open daily from 12.00 - 19.00.
Special NFT Edition by Harm van den Dorpel
During Amsterdam Art Week 2021, Upstream Gallery will proudly present a special series of pre-minted "non-fungible tokens" (NFTs) by pioneer Harm van den Dorpel, developed in collaboration with Berlin based NFT platform Folia.
Van den Dorpel's Mutant Garden Seeder consists of 512 generative unique Ethereum tokenised digital artworks: “mutants”. When such a mutant is born, the current state of the Ethereum blockchain is used to generate a chromosome on which the artwork is based. Also after birth, every so many “mined blocks”, there is a small chance the artwork mutates, evolving its visual manifestation.
Although each mutant is mathematically determined by the moment of birth and the history of blockchain transactions that occur after, the device the artwork is viewed on, and the mutations that occurred over the lifespan of a mutant, cause the artwork to develop and render in varying composition, colouring and layering. Each mutant could therefore be considered to be a time-based “responsive painting”.
With this work the artist playfully examines the tension between the new immutability offered by blockchain technology, and the fluid and evolutionary characteristics of a digital artifact.
Mutant Garden Seeder NFT, 2021
NFT, tokenized software edition, mutating over time (ERC721)
Series of 512 unique editions
€ 350,- excl. 21% VAT each
Reserve your token via
crypto lounge & cocktail bar with harm van den dorpel
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 June 2021, 15.00 – 18.00
During the weekend of June 19 and 20, Harm will host a Crypto Lounge in Upstream’s private viewing space. Come to the gallery with your laptop and Harm will answer your questions about collecting NFTs, to help set up a crypto wallet and to assist in buying your first NFT, all while enjoying a freshly shaken cocktail.
In 2015, Harm van den Dorpel was the first artist in the world to sell NFTs to a museum, paid for with a cryptocurrency. After this, he co-founded a curated marketplace for blockchain ascribed artworks, where he sells "downloadable objects".
Harm van den Dorpel currently has his second solo show at Upstream Gallery.
performance marijke de roover - live, laugh, limerence
Saturday 26 June, 15.00
rsvp -
In Marijke De Roover’s new operatic performance Live, Laugh, Limerence the artist questiones the impact of how we choreograph and culturally organise the performance of love through heteronormative structures whilst luxuriating in every cliché of rom coms, musical theater, opera, karaoke and Disney.
Read more here.