

  • Kloveniersburgwal 95
  • 1011 KB Amsterdam
  • The Netherlands


Opening hours

On Wednesday 26 March 2025 the gallery is closed. Opening hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays, 13:00-18:00. To access by car, the recommended parking garage is Stopera (Waterlooplein 28), located at 5 minutes walking distance from Upstream Gallery.

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  • About us
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About us

Upstream Gallery, established in 2003, has quickly gained a credible international reputation among collectors, art institutions and critics, and is a perfect example of Amsterdam’s internationally renowned contribution to contemporary art. With a focus on radical, engaged, conceptual and digital art, Upstream Gallery brings pioneering and critical work from over 20 artists from the Netherlands and abroad. Having worked with artists focussing on digital mediums for the past ten years, Upstream Gallery is currently at the forefront of the Dutch and international digital artscene.

Since September 2015 Upstream is situated in a monumental 17th-century city palace in Amsterdam's historic city center. The ground floor consists of two exhibition spaces, office space and a private-viewing room which is used as an extended exhibition space and private showroom. The iconic grand canal house, known as the Poppenhuis ('Poppen House'), was built by renowned architect Philips Vingboons in 1642 and is one of his major works. With its sleek, classical facade it draws much attention among the many step-gables in the area.

Upstream Gallery does not accept submissions from artists.
Materials will not be returned.


Upstream Gallery is affiliated with Mondriaanfonds KunstKoop.

Upstream Gallery complies with the Gallery Fair Practice Code.



Nieck De Bruijn (Founder, owner)

Anne de Jong (Gallery manager)

