Art Island Amsterdam

Art Island Amsterdam
IJmuiden , 3 Mar - 5 Mar '22
From Thursday 3 March to Saturday 5 March, Upstream Gallery and more than 20 other Amsterdam based galleries are located on Fort Island IJmuiden at the new Art-Island art fair.
Fort Island is a unique historical location in the port of IJmuiden at the North Sea Canal, part of the Defense Line of Amsterdam and UNESCO World Heritage. The fort was built around 1889 to defend Amsterdam.
The artworks of the participating artists are presented in the rugged
underground spaces. No beautiful white walls and radiant spots, but contemporary art in the dormitories and dining rooms where the German soldiers stayed.
Upstream Gallery presents the work of Tabor Robak, Noor Nuyten, Harm van den Dorpel, Rafaël Rozendaal, Marc Bijl and Marijke De Roover, dedicated to exploring our relationship with emerging technologies. From computer generated imagery exploring the digital space, to capturing our interaction with electric devices through 3D printing, to Cartesian Genetic Programming replicating our DNA - all of these artists explore our interaction with our own biology, nature, and that of digital technologies.