Upstream Focus: Florian &. Michael Quistrebert
Stripe Paintings
Upstream Focus: Florian &. Michael Quistrebert
Stripe Paintings
Amsterdam, 25 Jun - 28 Jun '20
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Upstream Gallery presents Upstream Focus, a series of single work exhibitions in our private viewing space. Every week we will highlight the work of one artist, both online as well as offline.
The fifth Upstream Focus are Florian & Michael Quistrebert’s Stripe Painting S2E20 (2014) and Stripe Painting S2E178 (2014).
stripe paintings
Florian & Michael Quistrebert’s work revolves around light. The brothers explore the effects of light and shade and use elements that naturally attract our eye – fluorescent colors, sparkles, shiny and iridescent surfaces, LED lights etc. They like to combine the immaterial substance of light with unusual and “poor” materials like modelling paste or wood, as to intensify the glare of light.
The Stripe Paintings also have this contrast. The paintings are developed with methods used in construction work. There is a brutality to the execution of the paintings. The gestural traces in the impasto are similar to those of plasterer’s movements. The surface of the wood is stripped, scraped off, to release the buried light and bright colors underneath. The symmetrical composition and its rough execution reinforces the interplay of the material and immaterial.
More info here