JODI in exhibition at Thomas Erben Gallery, New York City

JODI in exhibition at Thomas Erben Gallery, New York City
This group show explores the history of recent digital media art, from its origins in the Net Art of the ‘90s to the later developments of Glitch, Post-Internet Art, and current experiments in narrative media.For these artists, the proliferation of the Internet and related technologies has reproduced the multiplicity of life anew: both within the digital realm and without. What was originally a global computer network developed to anticipate and control nuclear threats during the Cold War–the Internet–has since become a bedrock of social life. As citizens of the Internet, we have consciously attempted to transform the whole of society not only by translating our multifarious social relations into digital formats, but also by bringing the energy of the so-called “digital revolution” into all spheres of social life (AFK, “Away From Keyboard”). For these artists, technology, like art, may be seen as a prosthesis, an extension of our humanity, a domain through which we can become self-conscious of what we are doing practically and how our imagination gives form to the world. They are as concerned with the structural techniques used to produce new forms of aesthetic experience–file formats, image processing, websites, software interfaces, social media, video games etc.–as they are with how the proliferation of digital technologies into even the most ostensibly natural aspects of social life has transformed our imagination of it.
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About JODI's work ASDFG
ASDFG ( (1999) is one of JODI’s early web-based works. It uses HTML - the simplest and most common computer language found on the web - that creates a glitchy animation of flickering black and white pages filled with code. The web browser will continuously be redirected from web page to web page with strange-looking URLs. When consulting the browser history, all the sites that were visited appear in the list and produce a pattern of the series of URLs. Like this, JODI infiltrates your browser and animates its history page.
From Net-Art to Post-Internet | Thomas Erben Gallery (NY)
16 June '22 - 30 July '22