Alicia Framis part of group show at Migros Museum

Alicia Framis part of group show at Migros Museum
Alicia Framis is part of group show Acts of Friendsip at the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, that opens the 28th of January.
Inspired by Ragnar Kjartanssons’ video installation The Visitors, which can be understood as a homage to friendship, the team of the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst has selected for the exhibition, Acts of Friendship works from the collection, that in their view represent a particular aspect of friendship. The selected works, around 30 in all, are shown in three theme-based groups of works.
While the works represent the personal conceptions, approaches and perspectives of the individual team members toward friendship, they also serve as a starting point to reflect on questions around this subject, which is as multifaceted as the various approaches themselves. In Acts of Friendship the concern is not primarily with caring friendships linked to our inner circle, rather it’s about complicity, alliances and solidarity. Thus, the path from togetherness and interaction in familiar company is not far from the sense of community that makes us publicly stand up for convictions and values, and which turns us into a politically active, hands-on collective.
Alicia Framis' Contemplation Room (1998) will be on display.
Read more information on the exhibtion and participating artists here.
Acts of Friendship | Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst
Act 1 – January 28 to April 2, 2023
Act 2 – April 5 to May 28, 2023
Opening Act 3: Friday, June 9, 2023
Act 3 – June 10 to September 17, 2023
Image: Contemplation Room (Installed), Alicia Framis (1998)
Publication date: 6 Jan '23