Modern Love, major group show incl. Marijke de Roover and David Haines extended!

Modern Love, major group show incl. Marijke de Roover and David Haines extended!
Marijke De Roover and David Haines are part of the group show Modern Love, or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies, in ΕΜΣΤ, the National Museum of Contemporary Art Αthens.
The show already opened it's doors at the end of last year, however, the finissage date got postponed to the 5th of November, 2023! This means that it's still possible to visit this major group exhibition, featuring over 20 artists this summer and slightly after.
Curated by artistic director Katerina Gregos, it was launched as the museum’s winter-spring exhibition cycle, with a focus on digital technology and its influence on intimate human relationships.
Modern Love (or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies) looks at how the Internet has facilitated the expression of non-heteronormative sexual identities, especially in societies where queerness or non-binary sexuality are considered taboo, or even forbidden. It also explores the human pathologies associated with the commodification of emotion and the effects of digital dependency on relationships, as well as the issues that arise when the boundaries between the public and private, as well the virtual and the real, become more and more fluid. The Covid-19 pandemic and physical distancing have added yet another challenge to achieving fulfilling, intimate and meaningful human interaction.
Marijke de Roover is showing her series of memes titled Niche Content for Frustrated Queers (2019-ongoing) and David Haines is bringing in multiple series of works, Man Reading Messages (2019-2020), Still Life with Flyer (2017-2020), Your Fluffer (2017) and Self Portrait with Cutout and Dating App Profiles (2018)
More information on the exhibition and other participating artists here
Modern Love | National Museum of Contemporary Art Αthens (EMST)15 Dec '22 - 5 Nov '23
Publication date: 13 Jul '23