Kévin Bray transmutes Spiaggia Libera in Paris for his new solo show

Kévin Bray transmutes Spiaggia Libera in Paris for his new solo show
Death Jam and Living Juice is the title of Kevin Bray's new solo show at Spiaggia Libera, a contemporary art gallery in Paris, that was only established since this year. As the combination of death, yet living juice, signifies, is Bray's interest in the notion of zombification for this exhibition. Specifically how this seems to permeate a multiplicity of strategies shaping authority, a power that tends to reject our will.
Crude oil, a once-living dark liquid, is extracted from its natural graveyard only to be enslaved. The digitization of our professions and algorithms scrutinize our behaviours to reshape them, and by feeding on our internal vulnerabilities they create addictions and polarizations.
Through his artworks, Bray immerses us in the corrosive and eroding nature of triumphant thought patterns that govern our worlds and societies, exploring the various forms of exploitation, whether they occur on living or dead bodies, and transmutes the gallery space while doing so.
Death Jam and Living Juice will be on display from October 12 till November 25th, right in time for Halloween!
Kévin Bray
Death Jam and Living Juice
12.10 → 25.11 | Wed–Saturdays from 11 to 7
Spiaggia Libera
56 rue du Vertbois, 75003 Paris
Instagram @spiaggialibera.paris
[Image 1: Kévin Bray, Algorithms as Contemporary Vampires: Sucking the Living Juice, 2023, print and acrylic on canvas, 145 x 100 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris.]
Publication date: 12 Oct '23