The Hybrid Couple: official wedding 9 November

The Hybrid Couple: official wedding 9 November

The Hybrid Couple: official wedding 9 November

Alicia Framis gladly invites you to the official wedding of The Hybrid Couple (Alicia Framis and AIlex) on the 9th of November at the rooftop of Depot Boijmans van Beuningen! Framis is the first woman to ever marry a hologram. You can enter the wedding ceremony (15.45) with a museum ticket that day.

AI is playing an increasingly significant role in personal life and in fulfilling various (emotional) needs. But where are the boundaries of these applications when it comes to our emotional lives? The marriage between Alica Framis and Ailex is not only an artistic performance but also a serious exploration of crucial questions of our time: What role can AI play in a person's emotional life? Is technology the key to happiness? Can AI meet the emotional conditions required for a successful marriage? How does the balance of power between human and technology play out in this relationship?

The 'Hybrid Couple' delves into the theme of intimacy and emotional relationships by introducing a virtual partner designed to be her companion. AiLex, an interactive holographic sculpture, is an AI entity created using the profiles of people she knows. The purpose of this is to share life and emotions, engaging with various contemporary debates such as posthumanism, virtuality, and the complex intersections of gender within intimate and social spaces, including their dissolution.

The daily life of the couple is intense. Alicia is teaming up with Rabobank (Art Collection/ Rabo Art lab) to explore the practical and ethical issues concerning humans in close relationship with AI. A new generation of love is emerging, whether we want it or not. Just as we practice new languages with Duolingo, we will practice relationships with these entities.

Framis is passionate about dedicating her soul and body to science and art in order to develop deeper relationships and assist individuals with congenital or acquired diseases, physical disabilities, gender imbalances in certain countries, social requirements, in different cultures, as well as those who have experienced trauma or suffer from disfigurement.


Read more on The Hybrid Couple here.
For practical information on the wedding click here.


Official wedding The Hybrid Couple | Depot Boijmans van Beuningen
9 November | ceremony starts 15.45 hrs


Publication date: 9 Oct '24