Marinus Boezem at Kunsthal Kade and CC Strombeek

Marinus Boezem at Kunsthal Kade and CC Strombeek
Kunsthal Kade
At Kunsthal Kade Marinus Boezem is honoured with a prominent place in the exhibition about Land art in the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Among other works his work 'Reed Bed moved by Fans' from 1968 is shown. The work shows three rows of six bundles of reeds, standing in sandbags that are blown in opposite directions by oscillating fans. The work is a beautifull example of Boezems important positition in the artworld as one of the pioneers of the conceptual art movement and as 'inventor' of wind as art.
The exhibition Expedition land art is being held from 19 September 2015 to 3 January 2016 (inclusive) at Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort. The exhibition marks the publication of a Dutch-language book of the same name: Expeditie land art by Sandra Smallenburg. The main emphasis in the show is on six pioneering land artists (Nancy Holt, Robert Smithson, Walter De Maria, James Turrell, Richard Long and Marinus Boezem) and their influence on a younger generation (Francis Alÿs, Tacita Dean, Mario Garcia Torres, Zeger Reyers, Pierre Bismuth and Lara Almarcegui).
CC Strombeek
CC Strombeek is opening the show A line is a line is a line on friday 2 October with a performance by Marinus Boezem. The exhibition is focussing on contemporary forms of drawing with young talents and established artists including Mario Airo, Francis Alÿs, Joseph Beuys, Marinus Boezem, Kasper Bosmans, Marcel Broodthaers, James Lee Byars, Jacques Charlier, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Peter Downsbrough, Humane Groene Boontjes, Bart Lodewijks, Gwendolyn Lootens, Meret Oppenheim, Blinky Palermo, Royden Rabinowitch, Gerhard Richter, Salam Atta Sabri, Thomas Schütte, Walter Swennen, Jan Van Imschoot, Philippe Van Snick, Lore Vanelslande, Georges Vantongerloo, Hans Verhaegen, Andy Warhol. 02.10.2015 > 13.12.2015
Publication date: 1 Oct '15