David Haines in Drawing Biennal 2017

David Haines in Drawing Biennal 2017
London's Drawing Biennial 2017 offers insights into how artists contend with a world in rapid and disorienting flux. A snapshot of contemporary drawing practices, the exhibition includes more than 200 new and recent works on paper by leading international artists, including the Still Life with Screen and Heart (2016) by David Haines.
Culminating in an online auction in the exhibition’s two final weeks, individual works are available from £250. Proceeds from the auction support Drawing Room’s ongoing programme. Invited by Mary Doyle, Kate Macfarlane and Katharine Stout (Directors, Drawing Room) with nominations from leading international experts, all the drawings are on A4 supports, with each piece given equal prominence in the exhibition. The exhibition runs until 26 April 2017.
Publication date: 4 Mar '17