Marc Bijl in group exhibition Konglomerat

Marc Bijl in group exhibition Konglomerat
The group exhibition Konglomerat at Josef Filipp Galerie in Leipzig confronts work by students with work by art professors. The exihbition includes work by Marc Bijl, who has been guest lecturer at the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen since 2016, together with works by Damien Deroubaix, Wolfgang Ellenrieder, Sten Gutglück, Jennifer König, Annette Kufner, Larissa Mühlrath, Eamon O’Kane, Stefanie Pojar and Carolin Trunk.
The exhibition runs from June 2nd until July 8th. For more information, visit the exhibition website.
Image: Marc Bijl, The Beauty of Decay II, 2013. Epoxy, mirror and wood, 155 x 30 x 30 cm. Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij.