David Haines in two-venue group exhibition Drawing Room London and Modern Art Oxford

David Haines in two-venue group exhibition Drawing Room London and Modern Art Oxford
The work of David Haines is part of the two venue group exhibition A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings, that celebrates the sustained power of drawing in the digital age, presented by Drawing Room London and Modern Art Oxford.
The exhibition at Drawing Room brings together a dynamic selection of recent works by 6 international artists, Modern Art Oxford 14, who are committed to the materiality of paper and pencil, showcasing a remarkable attention to detail and skill. In an age of mass media, where the rapid proliferation of images leaves many on the verge of digital exhaustion, A Slice through the World explores the power of traditional drawing to make us slow down and reconsider how we look at the world.
The work of David Haines can be seen on both locations.
Drawing room
A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings
June 13 – August 52018
Curator and artists’ tour: 12 June 6-6.30pm
Private view: 12 June 6.30-8pm
Drawing Room,1-27 Rodney Place, London
Modern art oxford
A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings
June 16 - September 9 2018
Modern Art Oxford, 30 Pembroke Street, Oxford
David Haines, Still Life with Flyer (Fur-Real), 2017. Pencil on paper. 36 x 27,5 cm. Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij.
David Haines, Still Life with Flyer (Habibi), 2017. Pencil on paper. 36 x 27,5 cm. Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij.
David Haines, Your Fluffer, 2017. Pencil on paper. 205 x 184 cm. Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij.
Publication date: 11 Jun '18