Jan Robert Leegte solo exhibition at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen

Jan Robert Leegte solo exhibition at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen
A new solo exhibition by Jan Robert Leegte, titled Clear Obscure, opened on 7 July in the Genieloods at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen. The exhibition runs till 1 September 2019.
Clear Obscure
The term "transparency" was introduced in 1969 as a way of programming for computers. It would form the basis of an interaction with computers that everyone would intuitively understand, though paying the price of hiding all internal operations of the machine.
Jan Robert Leegte’s exhibition Clear Obscure fills the Genieloods with drawings and performances. The drawings refer to clair-obscur technique particularly used in Renaissance art. Jan Robert Leegte lives and works in Amsterdam. He recently participated in exhibitions such as Electronic Superhighway at Whitechapel Gallery in London and Open Codes at ZKM Karlsruhe. His work has been exhibited at MAAT Lisbon, MOTI Breda, iMal Brussels and Nomade Art Space in Hangzhou. Leegte’s first solo show was Sculpting the Internet at Upstream Gallery in Amsterdam. Read more here.
Publication date: 9 Jul '19