Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#16)

Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#16)
Upstream’s Daily Net Art Update (#16), for the heroes stuck at home to flatten the curve.
When you have to stay at home there’s always Net Art. Art made for the internet, meant to be experienced at home, behind your own computer.
Today: JODI, 404, 1998. Find it at
All websites have what is called a "404 page" – a webpage that is displayed to visitors when they have reached a URL either no longer exists, or was entered incorrectly by the user. In 1998 JODI decided to turn their 404 page into a guestbook of sorts – a permanent record of all vistors to that have met the unfortunate fate of finding the URL they sought simply does not exist. At first glance seems to simply be a custom styled 404 page – the numbers 404 appear in blocky, pixelated text on a bright background, and a large square pixel at the bottom left of the page vibrates left to right. The curious vistor would discover however that the numbers in 404 are in fact hyperlinks deeper down the rabbit hole. Each number leads to it's own "guestbook" where the visitor's IP address is logged, and they may leave a message. The messages left behind by visitors read like the scrawlings of the lost and hopeless that have reached a dead end on the web.
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