Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#17)

Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#17)
Upstream’s Daily Net Art Update (#17), for the heroes stuck at home to flatten the curve.
When you have to stay at home there’s always Net Art. Art made for the internet, meant to be experienced at home, behind your own computer.
Today: Rafael Rozendaal, much better than (2006) (collection of almar & margot vd krogt). Find it at
This work was selected in 2015 for Midnights Moments on Times Square in New York. The work was shown on Times Square’s electronic billboards from 11:57 pm to midnight each night in February.
Rozendaal’s moving image exists online at and has been viewed by tens of millions of people around the world. The work is privately owned by art collector Almar van der Krogt, but will always remain publicly accessible on the web. A work that immediately resonated during the Valentine’s Day season, Much Better Than This uses simple, powerful imagery to connect with viewers regardless of background, nationality, interests, or education.
Publication date: 3 Apr '20