Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#21)

Upstream's Daily Net Art Update (#21)
Upstream’s Daily Net Art Update (#21), for the heroes stuck at home to flatten the curve.
When you have to stay at home there’s always Net Art. Art made for the internet, meant to be experienced at home, behind your own computer.
Today: JODI, You-Talking-To-Me, 2009. Find it at
This, one of JODI's most minimal works, takes the graphical user interface element of the web browser URL text area as its subject. The site of performance is where we type in the address of the website we would like to visit. After reaching, viewers are redirected to a series of other domain names, strung together to form a narrative. The narrative is appropriated from the film Taxi Driver. The series of websites appear to the eye to be completely empty – just bare white. Inspection of the HTML source code of these sites reveals an extension of the piece's minimalism, containing only five HTML elements, including a META tag which is the catalyst of the URL redirection.
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Publication date: 7 Apr '20