Upstream's Net Art Update (#24)

Upstream's Net Art Update (#24)
Upstream’s Net Art Update (#24). Featured in the exhibition Quiet, Calm, Staring on our online platform (curated by Rafael Rozendaal).
When you have to stay at home there’s always Net Art. Art made for the internet, meant to be experienced at home, behind your own computer.
Today: Olia Lialina, Summer, 2013. Find it at
Olia Lialina (RU, 1971) is a pioneering internet artist. She has been working with the internet as a medium since the mid-90s, her work is canonical in the field of internet art, and of lasting influence. In her work Summer (2013) we see the artist swinging back and forth in the sunlight, the swing hanging from the location bar of the browser. The animation’s 18 still images are located on 26 different websites, mostly of other internet artists, with each site redirecting the browser from one server to the next, displaying the images in sequence, thus creating a cross-domain animation. The work is literally scattered across the internet, making it impossible to watch offline. The speed and rhythm of the image sequence, the animation itself, depends on the internet infrastructure that supports it. Just one connection or web page down will result in breaking the work. Summer showcases the degree to which art and computer networks can be, and are, intertwined.ulpture and digital work, he explores the relationship between technology and the analog. He is concerned with ideas about the internet, and technology, as well as the necessity of the object in a time when photography and the distribution of JPEG images and all sorts of documentation are prevailing.