Upstream's Net Art Update (#34)

Upstream's Net Art Update (#34)
Upstream’s Net Art Update (#34). Featured in the exhibition The New Outside on our online platform (curated by Constant Dullaart.
When you have to stay at home there’s always Net Art. Art made for the internet, meant to be experienced at home, behind your own computer.
Today: Petra Cortright, Selected_System_Landscapes, 2007. Find it via
Paddy Johnson writes:
Unlike most landscapes, which suggest passage through them, many of the animations in this series show us the places, but prevent us from entering. At every mapping stage there are broken notices like "Try Again." and "Door is Closed." Later in the sequence, the images switch to small growing flowers surrounded by wire frames that size up as the plants get bigger. By the end the windows have become tiny. "Connected" reads one, followed by "Disconnected." Ten "Cloud Forest", then a seemingly endless number of tiny squares with landscapes, each reading "Away Message." "I’m back!" In this, Cortright captures the flow of the Internet colliding with the real world with perfect pitch. Cortright's selected_system_landscapes, have also featured in
'Keep It Simple Stupid' show curated for Club Internet (now defunct online platform by Harm van den Dorpel).