Alicia Framis at the Van Gogh Museum

Alicia Framis at the Van Gogh Museum
Alicia Framis' videowork Secret Strike Van Gogh Museum is onview at the entry hall of the Van Gogh Museum for the collective exhibition Unlocked/Reconnected.
secret strike van gogh museum
The camera moves through the museum at a steady pace, some things go on steadily while the staff and visitors are frozen in action. Framis made this work in 2006 to explore what would happen if we stopped what we always do, day after day, hour after hour. This artistic experiment seemed to have become a reality in the recent past. We were halted, waiting for a way for the world to keep on turning. Fortunately, the employees and visitors can now get moving again. We can go back to the museum and close to art.
Publication date: 30 Jul '20